Monday, April 28, 2008

Day 3 - Shivering on the Skyway

We left Fall Creek Falls bound for the Cherohala Skyway. This is my self-portrait on the Skyway. If you look really close, you can see my eyes peeking over the neck gator that I couldn't do without. Yes, it was cold, but we were bundled up like two Pillsbury Doughboys. It feels like I am wearing a space suit when I try to bend my multi-layered legs to get on the back of the bike.

We enjoyed the trip from Pikeville, Tennessee, through Dayton, Athens (are we in the USA?), Etowah and Tellico Plains where we ate at the Town Square Cafe before starting the 52 mile journey on the Skyway.

We had some concerns about the rear tire of the bike about midway along on the Skyway, but things turned out to be fine.

Sid on His Knees in Prayer?, originally uploaded by Gail S.

52 Miles of Heavenly Skyway, originally uploaded by Gail S.

It was a cloudy day with only glimpses of the sun, but that didn't diminish these heavenly views along the National Scenic Bypass that stretches from Tellico Plains, Tennessee, to Robbinsville, North Carolina.

It takes a masterful bike driver to negotiate these 52 miles safely...of course, God is there with us along the way.

The Bear Project, originally uploaded by Gail S.

Finally, we arrived in Cherokee, NC where we encountered The Bear Project in front of our hotel. Tomorrow, we will get on the Blue Ridge Parkway and make our way to Blowing Rock, NC to spend the night. It's supposed to be just above freezing in the morning. Guess we'll don our Pillsbury Doughboy layers to protect us from the cold!

1 comment:

Judy Alfonso said...

Hate to hear it has been cold, but glad you are enjoying scenery anyway. I am guessing we will still see you two on Wednesday.
You both look like great Harley riders in your leather gear!! I love it!!
See you soon, sister