Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Day 12 - Back to Georgia

Theatre in Conway, originally uploaded by Gail S.

After the miserable afternoon on Day 11, we decided to head for the hills in Georgia to take advantage of the wonderful motorcycle roads in the north Georgia mountains. We left the coast behind and started to make our way across South Carolina. After two wrong turns, we ended up in Conway, SC, such a delightful little town on a river. Hwy 905 was nice and took us to Hwy 378 - a good road to get us across the state.

South Carolina State House, originally uploaded by Gail S.

Hwy 378 took us right through downtown Columbia, the capital of South Carolina. We passed the South Carolina State House, and I managed to catch this photo from a moving motorcycle shooting from the side a we sped by in downtown traffic. The guy in the car beside us deliberately stayed back so I could capture my photos without his car in the shots.

Ultimately, we made it past Lake Murray, a weird traffic circle in rural South Carolina, and a place called Saluda. We settled in Greenwood, SC for the night - just 90 minutes from the Georgia state line.

1 comment:

Judy Alfonso said...

Gail, the photos are GREAT!! and I am so enjoying your little "history" lessons each day. By the way, I have seen that little round spaceship looking house you have a pic of on TV is the "most unusual homes in America" show. It is cool. Wish you could have peeked in the window, I'm sure they wouldn't have minded. :) So glad you guys are having so much fun, but I know riding for 4 hours straight can be tough with no stops. Again, so enjoying the blogs. Love you sister,