Look who joined us at our cabin for breakfast! Yes, that's our chair and fire pit. I was in the shower with shampoo in my eyes when Sid raced in to the bathroom INSISTING I get out of the shower RIGHT NOW!!! In response to my exclamation, "I'm naked and I have soap in my eyes!" Sid said, "Put on a towel and get outside NOW!"
I was certain there was a gas leak or a snake in the cabin, so I grabbed the towel and ran out to the front porch of the cabin. Imagine my surprise to find a herd of buffalo surrounding our cabin and the other cabins nearby...of course, all the other cabin inhabitants were standing silently on their porches (fully-clothed) with CAMERAS!
Sid looks calm, but he wasn't. We were all mesmerized watching the buffalo graze all around us, our truck, our bike, our trailer...you get the picture. There were only the sounds of munching and grunting as the herd grazed and moved slowly around finally settling in for a rest period that lasted several hours.
This cute calf was enthralled with us, staring fixedly at us on the porch...maybe my brightly-colored blue and green beach towel caught his attention...hmmm. Naturally, we looked around for mama buffalo in case she felt we were threatening to her baby. I took about a hundred photos, but I won't post them all...don't worry.
I could practically touch this one! Later, we talked with the staff at the Blue Bell Lodge where we had a late breakfast. The manager told me this had NEVER happened before. The herd always stays south of the lodge and does not pass through the cabin area EVER! She said the entire kitchen staff vacated the restaurant to go outside and look at the herd milling about around the cabins. What fun that we were there for this unlikely event!
I will post Part 2 later. We went to Devil's Tower and I took some really good photos of that spectacular and sacred site. Sid is waiting at the bike for me to get on so we can explore two nearby national parks...more to come...
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